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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Morning Walk

I want to take you with me on my walk this morning.  I usually walk with my dog, Emma, but I got out without her this morning.  It is a glorious day today.  I wish I could just play hooky from work today and play outside all day!  But, I can't.  My walk was so pleasant I just wanted to share it.  So come on along....

I love to hear the birds sing and the squirrels scamper about.  The creek can be so peaceful too.  Check out each video.  I wish I could record the smells too they were so sweet today.  The Hedges were blooming and the honeysuckle.  Not only beautiful to look at but to smell too.  Thank you God for making this world so incredibly beautiful for our enjoyment.

If pictures could smell these pictures would be heavenly!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Walking Among The Lillies

I took my dog, Emma, walking this morning.  I love to walk in the mornings along the trail that meanders beside a creek that surrounds my neighborhood.  The weather was absolutely beautiful today.  The birds were singing.  The creek was bubbling and Emma had many smells to smell along the way.  I am always in awe of God's gift of the beauty of the earth  but today was exceptional.  I saw robins and cardinals flying about.  There were squirrels scampering about looking for the acorns and nuts they hid over the winter.  We saw a couple of chipmunks  that were as interested in looking at us as we were watching them.  Emma wanted to play with them, or eat them, I'm not sure which.  Watching the chipmunks was where I saw the beautiful white Lillies blooming among the leaves and mess of the woods.  I have walked this trail for eight years now and I have never seen these Lillies before.  I felt like God gave me flowers today not because I deserved them but because He loved me anyway. Thank You, God!  I picked them and brought them home to let my family enjoy them too.  Now I am sharing them with you!

I hope this inspires you to get out and walk and see what gifts you get!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Well, it's been a very long time since I posted anything on this blog.  I have been extremely busy re-inventing myself.  I am still wondering what I want to be when I grow up but I like the direction I am going in.  When I last wrote on this blog I was unemployed and learning to make jewelry.  I was selling it some but not really making money.  I was just barely getting by financially.  Since then I have improved my jewelry making skills and am now working and selling my handmade jewelry in a shop in our local Mall.  I love the girls I work with.  They are like a new family to me and I love working in the store.  It is a beautiful, unique place.  We have only been open 10 months but it has been well received by the public and we are now expanding to a larger location.  The store's name is Harper Lane.  It is locally owned and we sell works created by local artists.

It has been a blessing to see how much has changed since coming to work at Harper Lane.  I have met some really nice people and the girls I work with are so much fun to be around.  I also sell my handmade jewelry in the store.  

These are some of the items that I have placed in the store.  I love making jewelry but I especially love seeing the customers wearing or giving my pieces as gifts. We have been open for 10 months and now we are expanding.  The store is going through a new transformation.  We are moving from one location to another inside the Mall.  We have outgrown our space and need more room to add more artists' work.  I am excited about the move but the process is exhausting.  We are working literally around the clock to move.  I will post pictures of the progress and new store as I can.  We hope to re-open early next week.  

The rest of my family has gone through a few changes as well since I last posted.  I will fill you in on those later.  I am glad to be where I am in my life.  I have been through some tough times but they have made me a stronger person.  Re-invention is painful at times but necessary not to live a stagnant life. I am grateful for the journey.  Hope this inspires you to make some changes in your life to make your life better and more enjoyable.  


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