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Friday, June 10, 2011

Faithful Friday!

We use the phase "thank God it's Friday" all the time but have you ever really stopped and thanked God it was Friday? I was sitting on my back porch this morning having a little quiet time before I got my day started, listening to the birds sing and enjoying the coolness of the morning when I thought about how grateful I was that it was Friday. I am really very grateful every day for just one more day but I forget to voice that gratitude to God sometimes. Have you ever wondered why we are left here on earth after we accept Christ as our personal Savior? Why is it we are not just brought to heaven right then and there to serve the Almighty King? We are left here on earth to live among sinfulness and selfishness and the activity of our enemy, Satan, until we die or until Christ returns and takes us back with Him to live in Paradise eternally. I was reading my devotional book, "Morning and Evening" by Charles Spurgeon and the devotion for the day addressed this very thing. The verse is from Romans 14:8..."We live unto the Lord". We are left here on this battlefield to live each day unto the Lord. We are to be actively working bringing others to know His love. We remain on earth as sowers of good seed, as plowmen to break up the fallow ground; as heralds publishing salvation. We are here as the "salt of the earth", to be a blessing to the world. We are here to glorify Christ in our daily life. We are left here as workers for Him and as workers with Him. Our lives must answer its end. We are to live earnest, useful, holy lives to the praise and Glory of his grace.

That is a lot to do and be! I know that I fall short of that daily but I keep trying. God blesses us with so much if we will look around for the beauty that surrounds us. That is all a gift to us. The whole world could be gray. The birds could all make the same sound and be the same dull color. The flowers could all be gray as well but they are not! They are vibrant and colorful. There are so many different sounds and smells and colors and they are all a gift to us to enjoy. God is the original artist and His work is never ending. We are to be like Him. Today, pick up the brush that is life and paint your own masterpiece in the world. I want to inspire you to be an "Arty" blessing today!!!!

These flowers were a gift from the Creator and I am sharing them with you. I wish I could share the beautiful scent these flowers have but you will need to find your own for that. I would love for you to share your beautiful "gifts" with me. Leave me a link to your photos in the comments. Be Inspired!!!!

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